
- What is life for you, little soul?
- is in the waterfalls, life is in the rain drops that gently touch your face, life is in the scent of cherry blossom. I think, I am life. 

- And what do you think happens when life ends?
- Does life ever end? ... our lives continue in the memories of the ones we cherish and love. Life never really ends, life gets transformed and gives birth to other forms of life. Life is perpetual, continous. It's like a curved road that never ends and doesn't take you anywhere, but it allows you to create your story. 

- I see...but what about the beings who are suffering in life?
- Suffering in itself is life. One cannot suffer without being alive. Suffering happens because there is life, without life there will be no suffering as there will be no happiness. Thus, suffering is a gift that life gives to you, to allow you to feel the depths of sorrow and misery. Only once you go deep there you can fully understand life. Suffering is the key that unlocks your potential. In this life or in the ones that follow.


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