

 - Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of the other person? To truly try to understand their pain.  - Yes, oftentimes.  - And what can you tell me about how it feels?  - Oh, I could write a novel, my dear. I think is a gift that we, people who were so misunderstood during our lifetime, people who only wanted to express our truth without harming others, and with the sole desire to be understood, have. It is our life essence, it is like a light that comes from within; like you hold an entire sun within yourself. We have molded this capacity during times of intense suffering when we were ostracized by the simple fact that we don't agree with the 'normality' or the authority.  We were condemned for being honest, for expressing the needs and desires we had, and for saying out loud what others did not dare to say before us. This, my dear, is a personal hell. You can simply feel it in your heart and in your body. It is like pieces of flash are falling down and...


 - When did you stop enjoying your life? - I think it was the very moment I have given up my self for others. But if I am honest, I believe I have never enjoyed life, really. I was never able to see the beauty or the meaning of it for myself. Although, paradoxically, I always had this sense of purpose; that I came here with a big purpose and it is overwhelming at times. Especially in those moments when I feel lost. I guess we all experience these kind of moments when it is hard to distinguish between the reality and one's thoughts. I always dreamed big and most of the times my dreams ate me alife. They have squished me up, tore me apart. But what are we without these dreams, without the purpose?  - So, if I understand correctly, you did not find a place in this world yet, right? - I guess not...I believe I didn't and probably I never will. But maybe the purpose is not to fit this world as it is, but to try and add to it our unique soul print. If you manage to do this, I think ...


- What is life for you, little soul? - is in the waterfalls, life is in the rain drops that gently touch your face, life is in the scent of cherry blossom. I think, I am life.  - And what do you think happens when life ends? - Does life ever end? ... our lives continue in the memories of the ones we cherish and love. Life never really ends, life gets transformed and gives birth to other forms of life. Life is perpetual, continous. It's like a curved road that never ends and doesn't take you anywhere, but it allows you to create your story.  - I see...but what about the beings who are suffering in life? - Suffering in itself is life. One cannot suffer without being alive. Suffering happens because there is life, without life there will be no suffering as there will be no happiness. Thus, suffering is a gift that life gives to you, to allow you to feel the depths of sorrow and misery. Only once you go deep there you can fully understand life. Suffering is the ke...

Lost again... (the story of a mad girl)

Original image   - How are you, love? - Honestly? Do you really want me to reply honestly to this question? - Sure! I wouldn't expect anything else from you but honesty!  - I am breaking down, with every breath I take I feel like my insights are collapsing, I feel like every single cell of my body is imploding and I am suffocating. I cannot even fathom why is it so hard to be alive right now, but it is unbearable. I think I have lost my purpose, my meaning...I've forgotten why I am alive, why I came to this plane of existence, why I embodied in this person that I no longer recognize when I look in the mirror. I feel so small and useless and I don't even know what I am going to do with my life or if I really want to live anymore. Every day it gets more miserable than the one before because I feel my being being swallowed by this enormity of belittlement created by my own self. It really feels like drowning in the middle of the ocean. I have no life vest and there's no bo...

Enough for me... (the story of a mad girl)

She was holding him in her arms, with his head resting on her chest. Rays of sunshine were penetrating through the window tenderly touching their bodies. One could only hear the gentle sound of the ventilation and feel the breeze of fresh cold air coming from it. She was caressing his face with the tips of her fingers, trying to comfort even his deepest fears. After a period of time when profound silence impregnated every inch of the room, she started to whisper: ~ I know you are hurting, my love. Trust me, I know how hard it is for you to take this step, to even trust me, to trust that we are going to be ok. I understand that you have doubts because my actions do not always align with my words, but I promise you, I promise you I will always give you the best I have. Now, this is my best, this hug, this comfort that I can provide, this is my very best. I need you to understand that you are enough for me. I need you to believe me! You are such a beautiful human being, with the most amaz...

My poetry

I cannot talk to you, but my poetry can. It can touch places I have never seen or felt. It can whisper to your ears the lust I have for you. It can embrace you with love like I could never do. It can make you feel safer than I ever did. It can offer you pleasure but without the guilt. Oh, my lyrics can be more dramatic than I, In them, I pour all that I have And I undress to the entire world Without them knowing. My poetry can reach to you Better than I ever could, And every letter is a kiss And every sound is just the echo of how much I miss... I miss your smile and your being. I miss your silly jokes and faces. I miss all that describes you. But what I miss the most... Are the parts that I could only see. Those parts you are so blinded that you cannot see: I miss the smell of your masculine spirit The power in your look and jaw The curves of your well-sculpted body The hands that gently touched my hair The feet that were entangled to mine not so much time ago I miss your smell...

Cand totul se termina!

 Atunci cand totul se termina  Nu mai e loc de "cine e de vina" Atunci cand totul ia sfarsit  E greu sa simti, esti amortit  Atunci cand tot ce ai stiut vreodata piere  Nu mai e loc de lumina caci totul e durere Si simti in trupu-ti chinul  Neputinta  Suspinul  Cand totul se termina  Dar habar nu ai cine sau ce a fost de vina  Ai vrea sa-ti opresti lacrimile sa curga  Dar fiecare amintire devine arma sa te-mpunga  Ti-e greu si sa respiri  Ti-e greu sa mai traiesti  Cand tot ce-ai construit acum privesti... Privesti neputincios  Si nu mai poti sa speri la viitor.